Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) Eye Surgery, Miami
PRK is a type of refractive surgery that corrects myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. At MedEye Associates, we have the best PRK surgeon to perform the treatment as required to help people get a clear vision.
What is PRK Eye Surgery?
It is a type of refractive laser surgery that reshapes the cornea to correct myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness and astigmatism (unevenly curved cornea).
During PRK treatment, the surface layer of the cornea, called the epithelium, is gently removed after application of anesthetic drops to numb the eyes. This is a painless process. Once the treatment is complete, a special medication is applied to the corneal bed, after which a bandage contact lens in placed to help with healing. The whole process takes less than five minutes per eye.

Why choose PRK?
The reality is that not every person is eligible for LASIK. There are several components to the surgical evaluation, including a thorough eye examination, corneal mapping, and refraction. Each of these steps is meant to ensure that you are a safe candidate for surgery. While thin corneas, a high prescription, corneal scars and specific corneal dystrophies may prevent you from having LASIK, that does not necessarily mean you can't have PRK surgery.
How effective is PRK vision correction?
PRK is just as effective as LASIK for treating myopia (i.e., nearsightedness), the most common refractive condition. For hyperopia (i.e., farsightedness), PRK is associated with a higher chance of regression and longer time to visual recovery. Therefore, there may be more suitable options for you, especially if you are above the age of 45.
What can I expect after PRK corrective eye surgery?
After surgery, you will be able to go home immediately. Visit our one of the best PKR surgeons the next day as well as one week, six weeks, and three months after surgery to ensure proper healing. There may be a few days of discomfort, and vision recovery happens over a few to several weeks. You will be placed on eye drops for one month and oral vitamin C for three months. While "delayed gratification" is the name of the game with PRK, remember that when PRK is recommended, it is because it is the safest option.
For more information on PRK eye surgery, you can visit our blog section.
Call at 786-519-1085, we try to answer common questions in the days, weeks and months ahead!

For more information on PRK eye surgery, you can visit our blog section.
Call at 786-519-1085, we try to answer common questions in the days, weeks and months ahead!
Frequently Asked Question
Who is a good candidate for LASIK Surgery?LASIK surgery is not for everyone. You must meet some criteria to qualify for it. Some of these criteria are: You must be at least 18 years old, or better yet, over 21 years old, when your vision is more stable. Your eyesight prescription must not have changed significantly in the past year. Your vision problem must be one that LASIK can correct. Your corneas must be thick and healthy enough, and your eyes must be in good condition overall. You must understand the benefits and limitations of LASIK surgery.
What is the best LASIK surgery?The best LASIK surgery depends on your individual needs and goals. Connect with us to determine which type of LASIK surgery is best for you.
Is it possible to use my phone after having LASIK surgery?It is advised to wait at least 24 hours after LASIK before using a phone, computer, tablet or watching TV, as your eyes will be sensitive during the healing period.
Can I wash my face after LASIK?It is generally recommended by the lasik surgeons that you wait at least 24 hours after LASIK before washing your face. You should avoid getting soap and water in your eyes for at least several days after LASIK.
After LASIK, do I have to wear glasses to sleep?You will need to wear the plastic shield(s) or goggles every night for the next five nights. This will prevent you from rubbing your eye(s) during sleep. For the first two weeks after surgery, wear sunglasses even when it is cloudy outside.